Wednesday, January 18, 2006

2 days in Toronto

17-18 January, 2006: Blame Canada my friends at South Park would say... Too right... So I go to Toronto, Canada, for a day to present a deck on “Change” to the RB Canada business… pretty simple… but then the weather kicks in… too windy in New York for planes to land – so 7 flights in a row get cancelled, and I get stranded in Canada for a second day… oh well… caught Syriana at the movies… good flick… and wandered around the shops.. clearly people find it difficult to shop in Canada as no matter what store I went into I had about 5 people ask me if I needed help… that or there’s some Canadian in-joke I am unaware of… but that’s unlikely… I mean, as you can see in the representative picture taken above, they seemed like open & friendly & carefree people for me... in-bred? I couldn’t work it out… Jono – what d’you reckon? (Hi Sal & Col – love & kisses to my favorite Canadiens… Matt)


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