Wednesday, December 28, 2005

People people people


Dec 26-28, 2005: It was fun… a short but cool trip this time… Whether drinking under the bough of the Oak Tree on Christmas Eve, breaky at Balmoral, eating seafood at Watson’s Bay, drinking beer at Manly Beach, drinking pink champagne while composing songs on the piano (lot of drinking seems to have gone on?), hitting Luna Park (my stomach has just about returned to normal), lawn bowling in Clovelly, hanging with the King clan, or just plain chillin’ in The ‘Croft…

Shout out for making it sweet to Marisa, Glen, Danielle, Clare, Dan (oh – actually you – hurry up & get to work back in NY!) & Dan’s sister, Corrina, Ness x2, Mel A, Laura & of course Kendall & the FNG & new FNG-ettes (with special love to soon to be Chicagoan Leanne… Lorraine – if Paul gets hit by a bus – let’s go shopping)… & btw – for all you enquiring souls out there - no – you can’t bowl & iPod at the same time…


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