Monday, December 05, 2005

First Day of Snow

Dec 4, 2005: First day of snow for the new winter… Karina’s birthday (happy b’day Karina)… and my first ever LIVE professional US football game (excluding the Sydney one Geoff… not cause it wasn’t real – but because it was in Australia)… The NY Giants took on the Dallas Cowboys… Francois ( a french planner I work with rolled with)… temp hovered around 32F/0C all day… not a shivering cheerleader in sight… only beer, pizza & crowd violence could keep us warm… Giants ended up winning 17(of course)-10… is an awesome experience watching them shivering out on the field waiting for the TV network to return from the ad break (yep the ad break shows on the big screen so they know when to restart)… but it was superb… I will be back…


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