Happy Naked Day Leesah
As I am educating every American who asks (and some who don’t), Australians are of course delivered by the Doctor utilizing a pair of Tongs… preparing us for a lifetime of unquestioned BBQ adoration… and as the average Australian woman is only in Labour for 30 minutes – it adds further weight to Australians in NY as prime males to mate with… That with our plentiful, yet dangerous continent (drop bears), where we have two TV channels sporting brand new shows from America – “Mash” & “Happy Days”… watched while eating our Vegemite cakes (baseball sized solid bricks of Vegemite that we eat like Apples)…
These stories seem to be well believed, & I will go so far as to say “lapped up”, up until now… up until I met Lisa…
An intriguing Irish-Mexican-American Jessica Alba-esque statuesque brunette… & if that’s not enough – it seems she is a very rare creature to boot through being one of the very few actually living examples of an American citizen who has lived overseas (China & Singapore) and travels regularly… she quickly saw through my Australia ruse… yet unexplainably still chose to spend some of her birthday with me… so after a Friday night party with all her friends & crazy roommate Juan-Carlos, where we ended up in a Williamsburg club “Bembe” until 4 in the morning… we backed up & Saturday night, with a nod to Monty Python, did something completely different… heading to the New York Ballet in the Lincoln Center… Modern ballet though… 3 different short ballets in one session… good stuff… though the middle one was a yawn… but followed by some superb chocolate mousse birthday cake & bacon… yep bacon… guess you had to be there… but you weren’t… unlucky ;)
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