Friday, September 30, 2005

London gets no pictures

Sept 30, 2005: No pics - to protect the innocent & not so innocent... Say hey to Bronson, mini Bronson, Tim, & the rest of the Euro crew... "hot baby hot & new man cool" Carly... one day you will come work for me Tiffany, please... Jenny T - heart - joy - peace - glad we got to continue the Detroit conversation & make sure you do come shop NYC! And my little sis Suz - to borrow from that great filmic poet of our current generation Mr Vince Vaughn "loving where your heads at right now" - take a bite out of London for me... we'll swap pieces at Christmas in Oz...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

More Oakers...

Make mine a double...

Sept 25, 2005: and I did! Thank you so much for all who turned up (or turned up & couldn't find us... hey Mel Daly..) was superb to see you all.. yes at the Oaks we did indeed roll deep...
Got time for a drink Sydneysider?
The Oaks
118 Military Rd, Neutral Bay
Sunday, Sept 25
From 3pm
Matt's moby: +1 646 239 7761
When I look up,
I hope to see you…

Friday, September 23, 2005

Love is chocolate & a chicken with a VB can up its butt

Sept, 2005, sometime: Yes, as expected, I packed a lot into my short trip home... Lovebirds (Sam & Mel soooo in lurrrvv), to dens of chocolate love (read that however you like), introducing VB-Beer-Butt Chicken to Australia (awesome job Mum'n' particularly Dad), pre-C.I. dinner & new car with Erika, or nights in chic hotels (yes now The Establishment is truly cool with JK, the rest of the Jamiroquai crew & me as former residents....)...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

"Always Remember, Possums, To CARE and SHARE!"

Sept, 2005 sometime: The saga of the baby & mother possum will soon be told in my folks upcoming book featuring animal photos & stories... I won't steal their thunder here... I was just stoked I got to pat one without it ripping my throat out... though I could see in its eyes it was thinking about it...

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Wet that baby's head

Sept 17, 2005: Annabelle turns 17 days today (great day for me to meet her n'est-ce pas? my number being 17 & all)... so we headed out to the now very chi-chi "Norskis" to wet the baby's head and indulge in the time honoured head-spinning tradition of cigar smoking... some fine little Davidoff Short Perfectos (in honour of 'belle)... and the lads... Mastercard priceless moment... Proud Dad Jono, soon to be Dad Dave & "mortgaged" Jamie were some of the smokers...

Friday, September 16, 2005


Sept 16, 2005: Still a magic place to be... whether you belong there or are just visiting...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

US Open Federer

Sept 11, 2005: All the ceremony you'd expect on 9.11... plane flyovers, marines & flags... but luckily this year the only action was on centre court... The Donald, The Adam & The Matt were all there... Some superb tennis... an almost comeback by Agassi... but in the end the smoothest tennis player ever - the Bradman of tennis - had his way...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

US Open: Mens Semi's, Women's Final

Sept 10, 2005: I would like to say tennis was the winner on the day... But the real winner was us looking down on Nicole Kidman's head in the VIP area... or sitting closer to the court than that guy from the Apprentice - guess reality bites for him... Back on Arthur Ashe we saw Agassi beat Ginepri (ok that was some good tennis)... then the crowd failed to return for the world no.1 & no.3 (Federer & Lleyton) until the start of the second set... I read in the SMH that Lleyton said he "played some of his best tennis"... I would've stacked Adam & Sam up against him that day... he looked like a kid playing Federer - who wasn't playing at his best either, but had way too much firepower for Hewy... the the battle of the munters followed ie apparently there was a women's final Pierce v Clijsters... I must've blinked or something & missed it... "Equal pay for equal work" - yeah play five sets and talk to me... but we had fun (my co-commentator Mariana above) - and that's what matters...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A very Butch day

Sept 6, 2005: Finally I get to go to a baseball game with a guy I actually played baseball with... despite his girlfriends insistence on sitting with us while wearing a Red Sox hat, it was superb... Butch scored tickets behind home plate in the MVP section, fitting, & Randy threw 6 1/3 ... unfortunately, the Yanks dropped it 3-4 to Tampa Bay...

Saturday, September 03, 2005

West Wing Reality TV

Sept 3, 2005: Labor Day? No idea... ok long weekend.. time to explore, again... this time Washington, DC... my pop life has resided in Washington for 6 series of The West Wing, not to mention the American President & Dave... despite the poor quality of its current tenants, I decided to see 1600 Pennsylvania myself (having already been to where the white stone came from - Brac Island, Croatia - August 2004)... baseball seems to be very young in Washington too - and seats right behind home plate were easy to get... kinda like Canberra actually...