Thursday, June 30, 2005

A whole month without travelling?

June, 2005: What to do? a whole month without travelling? no frequent flyer miles, lounges, hotel beds, weekends flying for work... ok great... so I guess I'll move house instead. From the Upper West to the Meatpacking. Old flat city view photos above...

Friday, June 17, 2005

Welcome future Wingman

June 17, 2005: Thanks to Kate & Andrew for bringing a future wingman into the world... Jackson touched down @ 10.27am, 8lbs 1oz, and at 22inches the girls are already lining up...

Sunday, June 12, 2005

"The Orgy on Fifth Ave"

June 12, 2005: Most New Yorkers run to the Hamptons to avoid what is called the "Puerto Rican National Day Parade", but can only be described as the orgy on Fifth Ave... many of the stores board up their entrances & windows to avoid damage... the air is filled with machismo & wolf whistling is everywhere or my favorite "eh baby, let me hose out the flames that are coming from your ass"... yes the most gentil of occasions, my first Puerto Rican National Day Parade - may in fact be my last... it didn't help being around 100 F / 38 C...