Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A weekend in the Catskills

May, 2005: A house full of people, the dutchies, deer running through the front yard, dogs & kids everywhere, food for 931 people even though only 21 are turning up, perfect weather, fireside chats until 5am... must be an average weekend at Marian's :)

Friday, May 20, 2005

Happy Birthday Kat

May, 2005: CJ, ex Euro RSCG Brisbane, has come to New York and become Caroline at JWT New York, where she has become best friends with Kat, ex Euro RSCG New York, who has remained Kat at JWT New York. Chocolate Macadamia's for all!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

The beginning of Leap

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mother's Day

May, 2005: Forever, thanks mum.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Variety Mix & the unexpected visitor

April, 2005: Mixed bag with some very high highs... A one day trip to Dallas, Texas, my first visit to Boston, the home of the Red Sux (spelling mistake?), undoubtedley the funniest musical on Broadway - Spamalot, a visit from some new friends... and the icing on the cake - all the way from slumming it on Manly Beach - Marisa!